
Manufacturers are constantly facing a shortage of skilled workers and this has been for years now. The average tenure of a new worker in manufacturing is very low nearly couple of years now, meaning even if a manufacturer has to attracts new talent and quickly train them, at same time expense of training them as to be low and quickly scalable

The senior and expert positions are hard to to fill are typically the biggest impact on performance. Technical positions such as controls engineers, skilled operators, technicians, and machinists, are critical to expanding operations, but what if junior positions employes are provided tools and assistance through which they can quickly operate at skills of senior positions employees.

With Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality these manufacturing pain points are seeing a disruption in how workforce is trained and assisted while at work:

  • Augmented reality is used by technician in manufacturing for complex assembly
  • Not just for assembly Augmented Reality is also used for complex assembly and troubleshooting training, which is making technical manual outdated and useless
  • Virtual Reality based assembly line training is used for simulated training, not there is no need of putting up heavy and costly assembly line training simulators for such trainings
  • Emergency and safety training using virtual reality is another key area of adoption of VR in manufacturing. This method is way more better and experiential compared to traditional animated videos
  • Maintenance of equipments is another key area where Augmented reality is used, a junior technician is able to perform to skill matching senior technician with help of tech assistance or remote visual assistance from senior engineer
  • Quality assurance and inspection training and task can be performed using augmented reality. Through AR and VR technology technicians and QA experts will be provided a step by step guidance of which parameters are to be inspected and possibility of missing and point of capturing readings with error is almost avoided

Traditional and conventional methods such as training manuals, job shadowing, and evaluations and certification processes are outdated, less effective, and time consuming. These methods also don’t address the need to cater to different learning styles: visual, aural, verbal, etc. hence with Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality these processes are at the brink of disruption.